2025 BBSC Chili Dog Regatta


Bluewater Bay Sailing Club

Welcome to the Bluewater Bay Sailing Club's Chili Dog Regatta hosted by Mickey and Patty Duvall!!

This website is merely a formality to have a place to put information.  

This race is sponsored and hosted by Mickey and Patty Duvall with a Chili Cookoff, awards, and gathering at their house afterwards at 626 Nelson Point Road.  The party starts at 1:00.  Please be considerate of their neighbors' yards and avoid parking on their grass.  This may mean that you must walk a little bit.  Please consider making a pot of chili for the cookoff.  Chili can be dropped off at the Duvall back patio any time after 8:00 (with plug-ins available) and before the 3:00 competition.  Desserts and snacks are welcome and greatly appreciated.  Soft drinks and bottled water along with all the fixins for chili and hot dogs will be provided by the club.  This is a BYOB event if you want to enjoy adult beverages.  We will NOT have enough seats for everyone, please bring a chair if you want to ensure that you have a chair.

Come and enjoy the 2025 kickoff social event for BBSC.

NoR and SIs when they are available will be linked on this page, just look around.  Let me know if you can't find them.

Registration is closed.
Latest Entries 11 Total Registered
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